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The Opal Virtue
Yellow gold and white opals - a match made in heaven. The 2mm synthetic opal is framed by filigree gold threads made of 18 carat yellow gold and has a diameter of 5mm. This means that this attachment from the company Anatometal not only fits well into your ear piercing, but also looks very nice in a Medusa piercing.

These ends screw on, and work only with internally threaded ends of the same gauge. Threaded ends and posts are sold as individual pieces. If you’re looking for a complete piece of jewelry, make sure to purchase a corresponding threaded post for your end.



This piercing jewelry is made of nickel-free 18 carat yellow gold and suitable for allergy sufferers.


  • Material: 18 Karat Gelbgold
    Verschluss: Threadless
    Größe: 5mm Durchmesser
    Besonderheit: Lebenslange Garantie*
    Opal: synthetischer weißer Opal 2mm
    Passend zu: Junipurr Threadless Labret

    * Die Garantie bezieht sich auf das Verfärben oder Lösen der Zirkonia Kristalle und/oder (synthetischen) Opale und/oder Edelsteine
  • - Medusa piercing
    - Conch piercing
    - Tragus piercing
    - Faux rook piercing
    - Scapha piercing
    - Helix piercing

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