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Double Opal

ATTENTION: This is threadless piercing jewelry, NOT costume jewelry. This is ONLY the front and requires a matching back.

Double opal = double the good look. The Double Opal from Inari Organics consists of two synthetic white opals in different sizes. The flat piece of jewelry has a larger synthetic opal with a diameter of 3.5 mm and another with a diameter of 2.5 mm directly underneath. Both gemstones are set in titanium. You can wear the 7mm long double opal in a Helix Piercing or Conch Piercing, for example.

*This is only the front, please think of a back*


Threadless attachments require a suitable back. The attachment is the front and depending on the piercing site in which you want to wear the attachment, you still need the appropriate back. These are threadless labret studs. If you do not yet have a suitable back, don't forget to order one as well.


This piercing jewelry is made of implantable titanium and is therefore nickel-free and suitable for allergy sufferers and first-time users.


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  • Material: Titan ASTM F-136
    Gewinde: Innengewinde 0.9mm
    Länge: 7mm
    Schmuckstein: Synthetischer weißer Opal in 3.5mm und 2.5mm
    Passend zu: Labretstecker in 1.2mm

  • - Conchpiercing
    - Helixpiercing
    - Traguspiercing
    - Earlobe Piercing

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