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Mini Light Blue Goddess
The Industrial Strength belly button stud glitters for the small belly button. Or for those who like it a little smaller.

The two zirconia sparkle in a light blue. The lower zirconia has the same diameter as the upper one at 4 mm and is therefore smaller than a 'standard' banana. The two sparkling stones are held in place by a prong set setting, i.e. three small titanium arms. This allows the light to fall through the zirconia more beautifully and be reflected.


This piercing jewelry is made of implantable titanium and is therefore nickel-free and suitable for allergy sufferers and first-time wearers.


  • Material: Titan ASTM F-136
    Gewinde: Innengewinde 1.2mm
    Stärke: 1.6mm
    Kugelgrößen: 4 & 4mm
    Besonderheit: Lebenslange Garantie*
    Zirkonia: 2 x Shiny Zirkonia in je 4mm

    * Die Garantie bezieht sich auf das Verfärben oder Lösen der Zirkonia Kristalle und/oder (synthetischen) Opale und/oder Edelsteine

  • - Navel Piercing

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