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Ada Blue Opal Tri Beaded

ATTENTION: This is threadless piercing jewelry, NOT costume jewelry. This is ONLY the front and requires a matching back. This version of the ADA model from Inari Organics consists of a synthetic opal in light blue with a diameter of 3mm and three small titanium balls. The attachment has a very flat profile and can therefore also be worn comfortably in slightly 'higher' areas. For example, a Flat Helix or Scapha piercing. The three spheres below the synthetic opal give the piece of jewelry an elongated shape, which also comes into its own in a Helix piercing.

*This is only the front side, please think of a back side.


Threadless attachments without thread require a suitable backside. The attachment is the front and depending on the piercing area where you want to wear the attachment, you will also need the matching back. These are threadless labret studs. If you don't have a suitable back yet, don't forget to order one.


This piercing jewelry is made of implantable titanium and is therefore nickel-free and suitable for allergy sufferers and first-time users.


  • Material: Titan ASTM F-136
    Gewinde: Threadless
    Besonderheit: Lebenslange Garantie*
    Opal: Synthetischer Opal Lila in 3mm
    Passend zu: Junipurr Threadless Labret

    *Die Garantie bezieht sich auf das Verfärben oder Lösen der Zirkonia

  • - Helix Piercing
    - Tragus Piercing
    - Conch Piercing
    - Flat Helix Piercing

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